Thursday, July 24, 2008

Thursday Parade of Adventures 7-24

~Golf lessons for boy& hubby (he just watches) The Prince has natural talent. He can drive the ball farther than I can already & he earned his first $2 at the last lesson, so he's already a pro. They had a putting competition, he beat everyone in the class (even the 13 year old). So he may not be the next Tiger, but club pros make a decent living!

~Laundry (ALWAYS)
~Dishes, sink & dishwasher
~Hamster still MIA
~Check garden, pull a few weeds
~Dinner, I have no idea yet, thinking chicken helper since I have a box & chicken handy!

~Spend 15 minutes decluttering zone 4 (master bedroom)
~Zone 4 mission - 15 more minutes attacking the clothes pile
~Zone 4 mission (Thursday) - clear off dressers

~Remake The Princess's bed, she had a potty accident yesterday ;-(.
I can't complain it's her first real bed accident. Hers were usually issues with clothing removal standing in the bathroom!

~figure out who has my hubby's immunization record, since his Dr.'s office doesn't, useless people, he's only been a patient there since the late 80s...

~Find surfaces in the house, they all seem to be cluttered with something...
~Run to the store (or drive), need wiper blades for the van, deposit a few $s into my new bank account, add $ to my cell phone, etc, etc, etc.

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