Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday #13

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

We finally moved all of our bedroom upstairs. It's only taken 6 months, so yesterday on the hottest day yet, we hauled the bed up the stairs. Probably wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't a king, of if it had handles!

We converted the apartment's bedroom into a closet. Hubby hung 2 walls with wire shelving. There should be more than enough hanging space now. We will be using the rest of the room for storage.

The Living room is an office, there is also a table and seating.

The dinning room is where our bed, TV, and dresser are. It all fit nicely. I've even decorated a little. I am hoping that sometime we can pick up a new comforter set with matching window coverings.

The kitchen is where my sewing room will be, right now it's only a couple tables with all my "stuff" piled everywhere. That is a tackle for another day!

Head on over to 5 Minutes for Mom to see what others have tackled.

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