Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to School Shopping

I know some kids are already back to school, but here they make us wait another 2 WEEKS!

My shopping is almost all done. I can't say it's done, because we still need some zip-top bags and a new backpack (think I'm pulling the K & 1st grade one back out, that was still in good shape, 2nd grade bit the dust), but the basic supplies are all here!

The best part is, I didn't spend a fortune. I picked up a few things everytime I went shopping after they started filling shelves with it. Skipping over the glossy sparkly stuff (I only had to buy for the Prince, Princess doesn't need much if anything) I managed to get everything on his list for just under $8. Not bad for all that is there! The most expensive item was the glue sticks, from a MEGA pack, so I still have a bunch at home for me and the Princess to craft with! Between the practically free stuff I picked up at Walgreens, the cheap 5 cent notebooks at Wal-Mart I was able to pick up a few extras for me (like pens).

The biggest difference between 2nd & 3rd grade - matching notebooks & folders, he's a big boy now 3 subjects ~ tear, sigh~ and they had to be the same. Otherwise everything was similar, except he needs an old sock for a dry erase board. I'm ass-uming to learn cursive writing, but I could be wrong.

I felt like I had to save as much as possible on the supplies because clothing is outrageous! My boy is a husky, that usually means big bucks & good luck finding anything in a store (ok rural here remember, I'm an hour away from any mall)... Hopefully football will slim him down enough to avoid that challenge. At least he doesn't need a closet full of new things, that would be bank breaking!

I am also pretty sure that he has a bunch of pants he can still wear. He just needs some new shirts, for some reason my kids can stain things by looking at them! Towards the end of school last year he started wearing a t-shirt EVERYDAY, it was painful. Of course he'd wear jogging pants everyday if he could too, he really is his father's son LOL!

I am trying to get his wardrobe down to a manageable inventory, but the kids has more than I do. Hopefully I can get him down to
  • 7 pairs of pants (jeans & khakis)
  • 5 dress - polo shirts
  • 14 t-shirts (he has at least 50 so this is a biggie, lawn sales, hand-me downs, grandparents)
  • 5 PJ sets - 4 of these are on the list, he has outgrown all but 1 pair of feety jammies!
  • 5 pair of jogging pants
  • 5 Sweat shirts
  • 2 Sweaters
  • 1 All season jacket - also needs to be purchased, we like the kind with zip outs, they tend to last longer. The last one he had from
*Just so I qualify the chunky-ness of my son, he is about 54 inches tall (4feet 6inches) and will be going in the football program at 101 pounds. He has a belly, but he's mostly just a solid little guy. The coach apparently had to weigh him twice couldn't believe it.

I have discovered that we ALL need to up our cardio a little not just him...

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