Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tackle it Tuesday #20

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

I have been tackling a bunch of things, including my sewing room stash.

I have been upstairs trying to organize my space & declutter. I don't have pictures yet, mostly because it is just TOO awful, but really they are just still in my camera!

Since my frugal-ness leads me to recycle clothing that has been outgrown, worn out, or just plain tired I have a huge collection of stuff. I finally took the time to break down a box & a half of t-shirts into quilting squares. It's amazing how much space the tshirts took up compared to how little space the squares take! I think I have enough squares to sew 2 twin size blankets. Not too shabby!!!

I tossed the scraps, and only saved the tops that I thought I could reuse. I'm thinking empire waist dresses for the Princess, anything else went out in the trash. I am also setting up the room. It's only the 4th sewing space I've had in this house! After 5 years I think we are finally getting a feel of the rooms... My room is now the kitchen in the upstairs apartment we took over. My tables are set up, but my pattern filing system had to stay downstairs (too heavy) so I have to rethink that. So far I've been using boxes from the Easter candy shop, they hold the envelopes nicely and I have multiple so I have sorted them by type. It's not perfection & the file folders I have won't fit, but we'll get there!

Really I am just to the put away & sort stage. I created a space for current projects, cut out projects, and have a dresser to keep my stuff in. My ultimate goal is to be able to have everything in this one room & part of the closet off of it. Right now it's still floating around in different places & boxes. I know move a room 4 times & 5 years & what do you expect, right???!!!

We are hosting 2 Thanksgiving dinners here, because the kids birthdays are at the same time, so lots to do!!!

My other tackles for today & this week:

I work 3 days this week
clean off my desks
shopping for groceries
Thanksgiving menu
iron clothing for wedding Saturday
clean out the fridge
Clean out my van
general housecleaning
paint siding
finish hanging siding
winterize garden
clear out guest bedroom of stuff so we can set up the bed
Make Dentist & Eye Dr. appointments

Check out other tackles at 5 Minutes for Mom

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