Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mother's Day is coming....

Retrevo has reviews of several cool electronic gadgets for under $50 and under $100.

I have to admit, if you haven't already realized it I am a gadget girl. I tend to be drawn more toward the kitchen gadgets than to personal electronics but I seriously have discovered a need for an MP3 player. They are awesome for walking! Thanks sis...

I really like the reviews of the digital key chains. I am not one of those awesome Mom's that always has pics of their kiddos at the ready. This handy electronic device would remedy that for me, I'll have pics where ever I have my keys!!!

I am not really a cell phone addict, but if I were a bluetooth headset would be cool. Our neighbor needs one, she is constantly trying to make calls from her car & having to pull over so she doesn't get a ticket.

The site also reviews some floating rose bath lights, that seem to be perfect for the real low end of the $ spectrum but high on the WOW factor!!! Who wouldn't find the multi colored floating wonders strangely fascinating.

The under $100 page has some seriously cool items that every Mom never knew she needed until she has one. Like the WiFi memory card, no more cords, that ROCKS!!!

OK, so hubby pay attention... any of these would be cool gifts for Mother's Day!

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